Tariq Basheer hails from Kollam and works in a clerical post at a UAE bank. Tariq Basheer, who is a common man and earns a modest income, has suddenly become a billionaire and a billionaire since 2015. Counterfeit money broker-building, real estate, He grew up to be a big shark. He is the binami of Prashant Manghat and Promoth Manghat. When Prashant Manghat and Promoth Manghat went into hiding from the UAE in an Rs. Tariq Basheer was the Power of Attorney Tariq Basheer. Now the same thing can be said from the UAE as fraud money or Tariq Basheer should face legal action Tariq Basheer, who had gone to extortion, is trying to sell his villas in the UAE. Billion worth of villas, assets in India, hundreds of crores of rupees in the UAE company, and assets in the UK. Tariq Basheer, whose family had been fed a mere ordinary job, had inherited all this from 2015. No one can tell you the money you have worked.

This is the biggest fraud ever committed by Malayalees in the UAE. In the recent past, there has been nothing like the largest bank loan fraud in the Gulf. Prashant Manghat was the CEO of NMC Hospital Group, headed by Dr. BR Shetty. During 2015, Prashant was taking loans from several banks in the Gulf for the realm of DB / R Shetty. The bank’s signatures were forged by BR Shetty, the owner of the company, to obtain a bank loan. According to Karma News, the group has borrowed the equivalent of tens of crores of rupees in Indian Rupee Mashrik Bank alone. All of this was at the risk of Dr. BR Shetty’s NMC hospital network. Prashant Manghat, hailing from Nemmara, Palakkad, misused the bank guarantee issued by NMC Hospital Group at Masharic Bank. The loan has been obtained from several banks in the Gulf. More than half a crore loans have been taken to MMC Hospital since 2015. Of this, Rs 25,000 crore loan was forged. Prashant Manghat and his brother Pramod Manghat have left the UAE after the fraud allegations were leveled against Dr. BR Shetty and a native of Palakkad. The bank initially filed a case against the three. But Dr. BR Shetty has now proved his innocence. His signatures proved to be fake forensic verification.

Prashant Manghat and Promoth Manghat are the brothers of Palakkad. They are believed to have first entered India. It is now known that when he arrived in India, he was seized by the police and handed over to the United Arab Emirates. They had just escaped to the United States on a plane bound for Corona. However, Prashant Manghat and Pramod Manghat are now living at the Anjatha Center for fear of arrest. If found in the UAE, they could face a life sentence or a death sentence. Prashant Mangad’s Benami and Power of Attorneys Tariq Basheer are investigating when the links in the bank loan scam were all hidden. Tariq Basheer, who smelled this, now knows that the family council has entered Britain. A few lakhs of crores of rupees have been robbed by the UAE bank. So, they can hide anywhere in the world. Say it or not. How many crores of rupees can these Malayalees hide in? With the money created by Tariq Basheer and Prashant Manghat, India has made huge investments in the US and Europe. The Avatis Hospital in Palakkad is a prime example of this. Where did the Manghat brothers get the money to spend the hospital about Rs 800 crore?

Their wives are its owners. How can those who have had little to no work and earnings till 2015, create a business of thousands of crores in India and an Rs 800 crores hospital in Palakkad? In just 5 years they have printed the note and seized the golden mountains and smuggled gold. Who can justify the plunder of food and food for 28 lakhs of Malayalees and Indians in India’s friendly country of the UAE? When the expatriates are practicing sweat, many plunder the country and plunge into plunder. What justice. However, it is reported that Prashant Mangad’s Benami Benjamin Britten has been sent to Britain in a bank fraud case which is being investigated by the UAE as Tariq Basheer. They have to be brought before the law.